Welcome to Kent Family Farms

4 Weeks Old 

2 Weeks Old 

Maddie and Milo's Litter

Maddie and Milo had their litter December 26th, 2018. We expect their puppies to be between 20lbs and 40lbs full grown. They had Black, Blue Merle, Chocolate, Chocolate Merle and Cream puppies. Maddie is a very laid back, easy going dog. She is what we look for in an English Goldendoodle for temperament. Milo is one of the sweetest, most cuddly dogs you will ever meet. We can't wait to see the personalities that these two will produce. 


Waiting List

Puppy picks will be at 5 to 6 weeks old or later, due to some having allergies on the waiting list. We will move down the list if there isn't the sex/colour/size combination that a family is looking for. This list will be filled as we pull names from the master list on the nursery page once we talk to each family over the phone.

​1. Breeders Pick - Preference of Puppy #4 - Rudolph
2. Johnny's Family - Puppy #7 Vixen (now Marvel)
3. Mere & Laurie Family - Puppy #3 Cupid 
4. Greene Family - Puppy #2 Comet (now Bentley)
5. Birse-Nestorov Family - Puppy #8 Olive

​6. R Family - Puppy #6 Dasher

7. Myra Maione's Family - Puppy #5 Clarice (now Nettie)

8. Fera Family - Puppy #1 Blitzen 

5 Weeks Old 

3 Weeks Old 


1 Week Old 

6 Weeks Old 



Puppy #1 - Blitzen - Black Abstract Male - $2000 +HST

Puppy #2 - Comet - Blue Merle Abstract Male - $2500 +HST

Puppy #3 - Cupid - Cream Male - $2000 +HST

Puppy #4 - Rudolph - Chocolate Abstract Male - $2200 +HST

​Puppy #5 - Clarice - Blue Merle Female - $2500 +HST

Puppy #6 - Dasher - Chocolate Merle Male - $2500 +HST

Puppy #7 - Vixen - Cream Female - $2000 +HST

Puppy #8 - Olive - Black Abstract Female - $2000 +HST